Out of these three candidate radionuclines, only cobalt-60 has been exploited for use in radiation therapy units. Page (2014) documents that out of the over 3000 radionuclides discovered by scientists over the past century, only three possess the important characteristics necessary for radiotherapy use. The stringent requirements that radionuclides have to meet exclude most of the available radionuclides from being feasible candidates for external beam radiotherapy. Podgorsak (2010) states that in addition to this, the radionuclides should have a relatively long half-life and a large specific air kerma rate constant. They must also possess specific activity that is great than 100Ci/g. To begin with, the radionuclides should have high γ-ray energy, which is greater than 1 MeV. However, for these elements to be useful for external beam radiotherapy, they need to fulfil some conditions.

There exist many radionuclides that produce γ rays during their decay process. The operation of cobalt-60 machines is based on some inherent properties of gamma rays. In this source, the radioactive parent source material undergoes decay and during this process, it produces excited daughter nuclei that stabilize by emitting gamma rays. To produce these rays for radiotherapy, an artificially produced radionuclide is placed within a specially designed source. Gamma rays (symbolically denoted as γ) are high frequency electromagnetic radiations emitted during nuclear fission and radioactive decay (Podgorsak 2010). The operation of cobalt-60 machines is based on the properties of gamma rays.
Cobalt-60 machines had increased penetration and the damage to the skin was minimal making the machines ideal for therapy. This machine presented the first method to deliver radiation therapy clinically for the treatment of a wide range of cancers. Unlike the x-ray tubes and van de Graaff generators, which were unsuitable for isocentric mounting due to their bulkiness and heavy weight, the cobalt-60 machine was a compact unit of moderate weight.The Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (2008) acknowledges that the cobalt-60 teletherapy machine was the first truly practical megavoltage therapy machine. Johns developed the cobalt-60 machine in 1950 (Podgorsak 2010). Scientists were able to realize the goal of creating a compact and megavoltage therapy machine with the invention of the cobalt-60 machine. Mould (1993) states that Cobalt-60 sources presented a great improvement to the radium teletherapy that was widely used between 19. Since the discovery of x-rays and the effect of ionizing radiation on cells, scientists strived to develop technologies that could produce even higher photon energies and intensities. These three revolutionary discoveries led to the inception of radiotheraphy, which made use of the destructive power of x-rays to destroy cancerous cells. The two other important discoveries on the same topic were natural radioactivity by Becquerel and Radium-226 by Marie Curie in 18 respectively (Mould 1993). The great revolution in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer can trace its roots to the discovery of X-rays by Roentgen in 1895. Learn more History of the Cobalt-60 Machine The most important advantages and disadvantages of the Cobalt-60 Machine will also be articulated. It will begin by giving its history, concepts, and theories utilized by this invention. This paper will set out to provide an informative discussion on the Cobalt-60 Machine. The machine was hailed as a major advancement in the radiation treatment of all cancers and it has benefited millions of cancer patients worldwide since invention. This device provided doctors with the means with which to treat deep-seated cancerous tumours without hurting the patient’s skin. The invention of the Cobalt-60 machine in 1951 marked an important milestone in the fight against cancer. Scientists and doctors have therefore sought to come up with effective methods for treating this deadly ailment. It leads to suffering in the patient and if untreated causes death. Ravichandran (2009) reveals that this disease is the number one killer in the world. Cancer is a life threatening disease characterized by the development of malignant tumours in various parts of the body.