Simon bolivar hometown free#
He added it makes no sense to free a Nation unless all of its citizens are free as well.įriends the Bible teaches that Jesus came into this world to set the captives free. Then I will add whatever is necessary to these million pesos you have given me and I will buy all of the slaves in Peru and set them free. About 350 pesos for an able bodied man was the answer. And how much does a slave sell for he wanted to know. A fabulous fortune in those days.īolivar graciously accepted the gift, but then he asked how many slaves were in Peru? He was told there are about three thousand. So they offered him a gift of a million pesos. But, the people still wanted to do something special for Bolivar to show their appreciation for all he had done to free them from the oppression of Spain. He gracefully declined saying he felt someone else deserved the honor more than he. After the convention a delegation approached Simon Bolivar and asked him to become their first President. In 1824 after Bolivar helped Peru win its’ freedom from Spain the great General called for an assembly to draft a Constitution for the new country. He is known as the great liberator because his victory against Spain won independence for Venezuela, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and a country that bears his name. How about an amazing fact? Simon Bolivar was South America’s greatest General. This website allows dissenting comments and beliefs, but our comment sections are not a forum for ongoing debate. Please note: Approved comments do not constitute an endorsement by the ministry of Amazing Facts or by Pastor Doug Batchelor.

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